Hair Restoration Surgery
A Follicular Unit Transplant Technique By Tricho Transform Team
Imagine having a need to carry a comb, getting rid of that cap to hide your baldness, a better look, a change in your personality and increased confidence at the work place! Sounds impossible, but believe us we can do it. we can really transform you. HONEST ANSWERS TO SOME FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS common causes of permanent or temporary hair loss include heredity, prolonged illness,nutritional deficiencies, stress, medications, injury, high fever, improper or abusive, hair treatment, chemotherapy and radiation. What are the different treatment options for this problem? 1) Medical Treatment - Local - Minoxidil solution 2) Surgical Treatment - What is FOLLICULAR UNIT TRANSPLANT? 1) A small strip of hair bearing scalp is removed from back and side of the head. These hairs usually grows throughout a life time. Am I a good candidate for HAIR RESTORATION SURGERY ? The ideal candidate for the hair restoration surgery is one, IF I AM CHOSEN FOR THE SURGERY WHAT ARE THE STEPS BEFORE THE ACTUAL PROCEDURE ? 1) Some blood tests as advised by your doctor are to be carried out before the procedure. 2) A test dose of local anaesthesia injection is given beforehand or after arriving in the hospital. 3) Drugs which cause thinning of blood, like asprin, vitamin E are stopped 2 days prior and 3 days after treatment. 4) A neat haircut, head bath on the day of surgery and breakfast in the morning. 5) wear a front open shirt. please do not wear any T-shirt. DO I NEED TO STAY IN THE HOSPITAL? No this is an office procedure requiring about 5-6 hours. WILL BE GIVEN GENERAL ANAESTHESIA ? No it is done under local anaesthesia with patient sitting comfortably in a chair listening to music or watching a movie. WHEN CAN I GO HOME AFTER THE SURGERY AND WHAT CARE SHOULD I TAKE ? After about 2 hours you can go home. a pain killer, antibiotic and a tablet to take care of the swelling is prescribed for 5 days. A bandage is given in donor area for a day stiches are removed after 10 - 14 days. Daily routine can be continued except for strenous physical excercise. head bath can be taken after 3-4 days. banging of head is to be avoided. WHAT DO I EXPECT AFTER SURGERY? 1)some swelling and bruising around the eyes after 2-3 days. it can be minimised by ice compressess, sleeping in a semi- reclined position. 2)Some crusts or small scar at the treatment site along with itching. which usually disappear by 10 days. 3)Very few patients experience numbness of the donor and recipent usually disappears within three months. 4)Shedding of the hairs over the next 4-6 weeks. 5)Rejection of 5-10 % of the implanted hair. in some cases only. WHAT ARE THE COMPLICATIONS? The complications are usually rare and generally minimal. bleeding or oozing during the procedure may be seen . secondary infection is a theoretical possibility in this era of antiboitucs. persistent numbness and graft failure may be seen, though it is very rare. HOW MANY TIMES IT CAN BE DONE? 2-3 times this procedure can be repeated according to the need of the patient. The minimum interval between 2 sessions is around 1 year. WHAT IS END RESULT? About 2 months after the procedure the hair starts to grow and continues to grow at a normal rate. after 6 months it takes on the natural appearance. the amount of the coverage will vary depending on the extent of the baldness and the type of procedure performed. The donor site shrinks to a barely noticeable scar that is well hidden by the surrounding hair. |